Sunday, March 30, 2008

What’s on Your Radar?

A client recently asked me, “so, what’s on the radar?” I knew what she meant, but in that moment I had a clear, strong vision of a busy air traffic control tower. All the screens were full of moving blips, all the controllers were intently focused on the patterns there, firing off information into their headset microphones – for the next day’s flights.

I shared with her what I had seen and we both chuckled a bit. Then, she grew somewhat serious and said, “But you’re a Tarot reader – you’re supposed to tell me what’s coming up in the future, right?” Yes, true enough. Do it all the time. But the time we have and the time we’re in is now and that’s the jump-off point for any reading. Quantum physics tells us it’s all now and while I believe that’s true, it’s still pretty challenging to communicate from the concept of completely transcended linear time. Ok, I just confused myself – in other words, it’s a helluva lot easier to speak and think in terms of the past, present and future.

When we attempt to focus on and see only the future, in a reading or in any aspect of life, several things happen.

We ignore or miss the here and now
When we’re in pain, anxious or uncertain, this can actually seem like a good thing to do. But, now is what we have – and whether there’s a lesson to be learned, action to be taken, or valuable information coming in – if we miss it, we miss a golden opportunity to make positive changes in both the present and the future. Much as we might love to just skip the “now” if it’s unpleasant; we can’t really live in or “be” in the past or the future – only the present.

We ignore our own intuition
Tarot reading, or any form of divination, is designed to help us learn from and integrate our past in order to understand, and positively affect our future based on who we are and where we are in the present. But as wonderful as that is, it can’t ever be better than our present-moment experiences and the opportunity they present for our own intuition to give us real-time, real-life guidance, wisdom and truth. Tarot is a great enhancement to our own intuition but a very poor substitute for it.

When the temptation is strong to try and look only at the future in a reading, think about being on one of today’s flights while those busy air traffic controllers all have their radar set on tomorrow…

…and thank you for flying Destiny Airlines!

Love and peace,

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Destiny Tarot® Copyright 2008 by Dona C. Murphy. All rights reserved.