In each month’s newsletter, I’ll be taking a look at the current mid-month to the following mid-month’s energies. In much the same way as lunar cycles and planetary movements and transitions affect all of us astrologically, the Tarot can prepare us for the energies we’re all likely to be dealing with.
The general energy of this period is assistance, aid and support. This can come in the form of financial gains, but isn’t limited to money or other resources. In many ways the help we receive can indicate that we’ve turned a critical corner and we’re on the right track to something better. Both personally and professionally, we see success in partnerships that are mutually beneficial. This can be quite pragmatic – “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”, but can also transcend the mundane and manifest as shared wisdom and healing along with shared material goods.
Week 1
Moving into the first week of this period, we have the ability to cut through irrelevant information and get to the heart of things. Good judgement, intellectual insights and independent thought are all highlighted during this time. We may feel justified in speaking our minds, and doing so in a way that’s fair and emotionally detached may serve well. Avoid vindictive, spiteful outbursts and hidden agendas.
Week 2
The second week of this period brings the end of Mercury retrograde and an end to some past situations, relationships or life cycles. If we’ve the used the energy of the past period to our best advantage, we find that we can start fresh. New ideas, new perspectives and new life cycles highlight this period. The last “re”s of the retrograde period are re-generation, re-newal and re-lease.
Week 3
The third week of this period is one of comfort, nurturing and warmth. This is a great time to invest in and focus on all of our emotional relationships – with our romantic partners, friends and family. We’ll find it easy to relate to others, and our listening skills give us plenty of opportunities to relate to and empathize with others’ experiences. Whether you’re male or female; if you find yourself wanting to mother someone, just don’t smother them.
Week 4
The final week of this period finds us tapped into a seemingly inexhaustible reserve of energy, optimism and creativity. Our main focus is on work – how we make a living and how we make our lives meaningful. We will also find ourselves feeling healthy and strong, and looking to improve our health in all areas; emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. The only caution here is not to let our boundless energy and enthusiasm become bossiness, meddling or a bid for dominance.
An individualized Tarot reading with me can tell you more specifically how you’ll be affected, so call today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities.
Love and peace,
DonaExperience a Tarot reading with me! Visit:Destiny Tarot®
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