Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monthly Tarotcast Dec 15, 2009 - January 15, 2010

Every month, I’ll be taking a look at the current mid-month to the following mid-month’s energies. In much the same way as lunar cycles and planetary movements and transitions affect all of us astrologically, the Tarot can prepare us for the energies we’re all likely to be dealing with.


The Ace of Cups: the general energy of this period is new or renewed love of all kinds. Yes, think romance – but also a new start in a desired direction, new opportunities, new awakenings and rekindled enthusiasm, excitement and passion. Our emotions are engaged in positive, creative and beneficial expressions. Follow your heart and luck will ride with you.

Week 1

Eight of Wands:
moving into the first week of this period, prepare yourself for mostly positive communication, despite the onset of Mercury retrograde. With a little extra patience and attention to details, good news still arrives quickly although not as quickly as it might without Mercury’s pranks. Don’t lose heart or give up if an initial delay occurs, it’s almost certain to. The best use of this energy especially during the retro is to keep on keepin’ on, with an optimistic outlook around all forms of electronic communication, technology in general, and travel in particular.

Week 2

Two of Cups: The second week of this period allows us to reconnect and renew partnerships of all kinds, especially romantic ones. With the Mercury retrograde, we may be tempted to rekindle relationships from the past, and that can be a mixed blessing. I’m referring to that late-night phone call from an ex who may be feeling nostalgic and wondering what you’re up to. With proper care and awareness, you’ll likely to be able to distinguish between those partnerships and connections that are truly worth pursuing, or are simply manifesting to give closure and perspective.

Week 3

Prince (or Knight) of Wands:
The third week of this period is a cautionary exercise. Know someone (especially from your past) whose enthusiasm, charm and energy can sweep you (and everyone else) right out of your Jimmy Choos? Be prepared to meet or reconnect with someone who may have a deeply spiritual side that he hides beneath a playful, devil-may-care mask. But don’t count on that mask slipping off during this time. If you can match this person for carefree, playful nonchalance – have a ball. If not, best to channel your own energy and charm into something and someone less volatile.

Week 4

Three of Disks: In the final week of this period we find our focus shifting back to the realm of career and work. After the emotional holiday season, we get back to business and realize that our experience, abilities and contributions at our workplace are being recognized and rewarded, even if a little later than anticipated. We’re also confident that we can identify and implement the things that work best for us – not only in our professional lives but personally and spiritually.

An individualized Tarot reading with me can tell you more specifically how you’ll be affected, so call today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities.

Experience a Tarot reading with me! Visit: Destiny Tarot®

Copyright 2009© Dona C. Murphy, Destiny Tarot®
"Destiny Tarot" and the Destiny Tarot logo are the registeredtrademarks (servicemarks) of Dona C. Murphy. All rights reserved.
No portion of this article may be reproduced without my permission.