Thursday, August 13, 2009

Monthly Tarotcast for August 15 – September 15, 2009

Each month, I’ll be taking a look at the current mid-month to the following mid-month’s energies. In much the same way as lunar cycles and planetary movements and transitions affect all of us astrologically, the Tarot can prepare us for the energies we’re all likely to be dealing with.

The general feeling of this period is the need and desire for a time-out. Rest, relaxation and healing are necessary. We’re exhausted and no amount of struggle or willpower will break the stalemate. If we’re willing to take the time to regroup, we can come back stronger. Refreshed and renewed, our issues and concerns can be seen in a more manageable perspective.

Week 1
Moving into the first week of this period, we begin to formulate what works best for us. By exercising moderation, we find we can mix-and-match a variety of approaches, philosophies and processes to find what works best for us. The balancing act that previously wore us down to exhaustion becomes an opportunity for integration and harmony.

Week 2
The second week of this period is focused on meeting challenges with a strong sense of conviction. The period of integration we’ve passed through has prepared us for steady perseverance in the face of opposition. Although we may have to face some of these challenges on our own, without apparent support or open encouragement, we rise to the occasion and success rewards our efforts.

Week 3
The third week of this period is a green-light period, go for it. We achieve our goals through right action, we’re pointed in the right direction, we know the reasons and motivation for our behavior. The best use of this energy is for our work and careers, our creative endeavors, and personal discovery. When applied to interpersonal relationships (romantic or otherwise) it can easily become overwhelming, so avoid steam-rolling over others. Be prepared to step out of the way if it looks like someone is barreling down on you.

Week 4

The final week of this period shows us the power of standing up for what’s right, without the personal, ego-based need for vengeance or self-promotion. At its best, this is the energy of high moral principles without petty self-righteousness. We may see and hear important news centered on major international developments (affecting North America, Central America, South America). The feeling is one of practical wisdom and insight applied to controversial matters through skilled intellectual means rather than appeasement.

Love and peace,

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