Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Monthly Tarotcast for June 15 - July 15, 2010

Each month, I’ll be taking a look at the current mid-month to the following mid-month’s energies. In much the same way as lunar cycles and planetary movements and transitions affect all of us astrologically, the Tarot can prepare us for the energies we’re all likely to be dealing with.


Four of Cups: The general energy of this period is mainly that of over-correction. The energy of this card warns against too much of a good thing. Needing some comfort, stability and emotional security after intense activity and deep spiritual exploration can be appealing, but this card shows us how easy it is to go from comfort to crushing boredom, from mothering to smothering, and from cozy familiarity to contempt – and the resulting winds of rebellion can blow pretty hard.

Week 1

The Devil: Moving into the first week of this period, our lack of insight or mere surface understanding of a situation brings our deepest fears front and center. Focusing on limitations and restrictions causes us frustration and can lead us to cling desperately to people or situations. The temptation to take the low road, to use the end to justify the means, and to overindulge in obsessive thoughts and behaviors is strong this week. To counteract the tendency toward these energies, refuse to be enslaved by your own (or anyone else’s) desires, open your eyes wide (including your third eye) and ground yourself – physically and spiritually.

Week 2

The Sun: During the second week of this period, we’re enjoying rewards, recognition for our hard work, success and a sense of vindication if we’ve had to struggle through opposition or obstacles to bring a task to completion. Resolutions are showing results, especially if we’ve promised to make healthy changes like losing weight, exercising, or eating healthier foods. The great thing about a “win” is what it does for our self-confidence. If we did it once, then we can do it again. If we’ve succeeded in one aspect of our lives, we can extend that into other areas of our lives.

Week 3

Five of Disks: The third week of this period highlights choices for us. Do we use the positive aspects of this card: patience, practicality and a conservative approach, or do we let anxiety, fear and worry overwhelm and paralyze us? Sometimes watching, waiting and biding our time is the best course of (temporary) in-action. But we need to let go mentally, emotionally, and energetically also, or the energy of this card will keep us up nights, tossing and turning, chewing our fingernails and our sheets, all over some terrible thing that hasn’t actually happened (and won’t).

Week 4
Lust (Strength): In the final week of this period we experience new energy and enthusiasm for anything and everything that we feel passionate about – whether that is our relationships, our work and careers, our creative endeavors, or our spiritual journeys. What may present challenges are moderation and balance. Unbridled excitement and overconfidence can trip up our feet while our eyes are on the stars. Otherwise, this is a great time to begin or continue exploring anything (and everything) that sparks your interest.

An individualized Tarot reading with me can tell you more specifically how you’ll be affected, so call today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities.

Experience a Tarot reading with me! Visit:Destiny Tarot®

Copyright 2010© Dona C. Murphy, Destiny Tarot®

"Destiny Tarot" and the Destiny Tarot logo are the registered
trademarks (servicemarks) of Dona C. Murphy. All rights reserved.
No portion of this article may be reproduced without my permission.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Monthly Tarotcast for May 15 - June 15, 2010

Each month, I’ll be taking a look at the current mid-month to the following mid-month’s energies. In much the same way as lunar cycles and planetary movements and transitions affect all of us astrologically, the Tarot can prepare us for the energies we’re all likely to be dealing with.


Three of Cups
: The general energy of this period is celebration and joy. Happy occasions shared with family and friends as well as opportunities to socialize and party for any reason – or no particular reason at all – will be highlighted this week. Be ready for good news about upcoming engagements or weddings, birth announcements, pregnancies – even promotions and career advancements. Whether the good news and good fortune are yours or someone else’s; enjoy the lighthearted, carefree freedom of spending time with people you like/love and celebrate successes, large and small.

Week 1

Nine of Swords:
Moving into the first week of this period, some of the glow wears off and we experience a sharp shift of energy. Worry and anxiety are high this week and stress-induced problems like insomnia are likely. Fear stemming from “worst case scenario” can convince us that we’re about to suffer a major loss or have the rug pulled from under us. The best antidote for this is balancing out negative thinking with the reminder that many of the things we worry about and stress over never actually happen. As a further caution, feeding the “what if” beast can actually become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Week 2

Ace of Swords
: During the second week of this period, we’ll experience the benefits of clarity, courage and mental strength. This kind of sharp insight can cut both ways, so be sure that you’re using your power for constructive purposes. This is an ideal time to cut away dead weight and illusions, to pare down to core truths. We find ourselves in a decisive mood and we’re able to communicate complex ideas in fresh ways. Problem resolution is strongly favored through this entire period, make the most of it!

Week 3

Eight of Swords
: The third week of this period invites us to integrate the energy of the previous two weeks and look at the ways in which we limit ourselves or keep ourselves from living life to the fullest. Fear of the unknown and uncertainty can keep us locked in a prison of our own making. When our mental energy is focused on solutions, we’re empowered and effective. When we’re mired in worry, we waste our energy or create more problems and difficulties. The experience we have is largely determined by our perceptions. In the wise words of Wayne Dyer, “when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”

Week 4

Ace of Cups:
In the final week of this period the energy is perfect for new or renewed love of all kinds. Yes, this includes romance – but also a new start in a desired direction, new opportunities, new awakenings and rekindled enthusiasm, excitement and passion. After all of the intense mental energy of the previous weeks, we once again connect with our hearts. Our emotions are engaged in positive, creative and beneficial expressions. Follow your heart and luck will be on your side.

An individualized Tarot reading with me can tell you more specifically how you’ll be affected, so call today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities.

Love and peace,

Experience a Tarot reading with me! Visit:Destiny Tarot®

Copyright 2010© Dona C. Murphy, Destiny Tarot®

"Destiny Tarot" and the Destiny Tarot logo are the registeredtrademarks (servicemarks) of Dona C. Murphy. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be reproduced without my permission.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Monthly Tarotcast: April 15 - May 15, 2010

Each month, I’ll be taking a look at the current mid-month to the following mid-month’s energies. In much the same way as lunar cycles and planetary movements and transitions affect all of us astrologically, the Tarot can prepare us for the energies we’re all likely to be dealing with.

The Moon: The general energy of this period is grappling with fear and the dark night of the soul. Mercury Retrograde affects this entire month’s cycle, so very likely our shadow side will manifest in ways we’ve seen – and ignored and avoided – before. If we’re willing to face the unknown with courage, we can reap the benefits of heightened intuition. By confronting our fears, we learn that much of what causes us anxiety is merely illusion. Our worst course of action is succumbing to panic or paranoia.

Week 1
Three of Disks: Moving into the first week of this period, we discover ways to integrate our knowledge, skills and experience to create a viable plan of action. This particularly affects our career and work environment, but applies to practical matters in our personal lives as well. We are confident that we’re on the right track and our efforts will be recognized and rewarded, and that confidence is supported by practical reality. With the influence of the Mercury Retrograde, adapt this week’s energy to taking extra care in communication (especially at work) and make sure you check and re-check work product – dot the Is, cross the Ts, stay on-task and on-message.

Week 2
Knight (King) of Cups: During the second week of this period, we find that healing, home and family take on new and greater meaning in our lives. We may also be interacting with people for whom these are high priorities. Mercury retrograde’s influence may make for some wide swings between evasiveness and bluntness in communication (especially in romantic relationships!) We’d do well not to take things too personally, and do more listening than speaking. Answers to our spiritual and metaphysical questions will be found close to home too.

Week 3
Two of Wands: The third week of this period invites us to be bold and courageous, and to embrace the energy of our partnerships and associations – romantic and otherwise – for the ways in which we differ and complement each other. The most harmonious connections are marked by the different strengths each member brings to the party. Unless arrogance or a domineering attitude prevail, all’s well.

Week 4
Death: In the final week of this period, which also marks the end of the Mercury retrograde period, major transitions and transformations sweep the old “stuff” away to make room for the new. If the work suggested by the Overview (The Moon) has been completed, it should be easy to welcome these changes with a sense of optimism and positivity. Without the shadows of fear and doubt, the future looks pretty promising.

An individualized Tarot reading with me can tell you more specifically how you’ll be affected, so call today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities.

Love and peace,

Experience a Tarot reading with me! Visit:Destiny Tarot®

Copyright 2010© Dona C. Murphy, Destiny Tarot®
"Destiny Tarot" and the Destiny Tarot logo are the registered
trademarks (servicemarks) of Dona C. Murphy. All rights reserved.
No portion of this article may be reproduced without my permission.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monthly Tarotcast for March 15 - April 15, 2010

Every month, I’ll be taking a look at the current mid-month to the following mid-month’s energies. In much the same way as lunar cycles and planetary movements and transitions affect all of us astrologically, the Tarot can prepare us for the energies we’re all likely to be dealing with.


Four of Cups: the general energy of this period is protective and nurturing, what we commonly think of as the maternal instinct. Caring, affection and the creation of emotional stability will be recurring themes during this month, and we will likely be looking for ways to express ourselves in terms of unconditional love. All of this can contribute to a period of relative ease and feelings of security; however, we will do well to avoid the shadow side of this card’s energy: possessiveness, attempts to bind and restrict others through “love” and “smothering” instead of mothering.

Week 1

The Hermit:
moving into the first week of this period, we find that (temporarily) taking the solitary path will aid us in our search for truth. Solitude and being alone don’t have to mean feeling lonely, and we may find we actively seek and very much enjoy our own company this week. Probing our own inner consciousness and exploring our psyches will not only appeal to us, the insights we gain and the discoveries we make can bring us solutions to long-standing problems or issues, and give us the seeds of new ideas and directions in which to sow them.

Week 2

Princess (Page) of Wands:
During the second week of this period, we can use the positive energies of this card for objectivity and clear insight. Studying, learning and otherwise improving our minds and mental faculties are highlighted this week. At best, the positive qualities of this card allow us to sparkle with wit, intelligence and impressive logic. We’ll also need to expect the unexpected where news and information are concerned.

We may find it’s easy to slip into the role of Devil’s Advocate, or to argue both sides of an issue with equal passion and conviction. If expressed negatively, we have a tendency to be argumentative and even vengeful. Last but certainly not least, our sexual charisma is high this week: we’ve got our mojo working and we’re ready, willing and able to spark – so be responsible and cautious around combustibles (people or situations).

Week 3

The Magus (Magician):
The third week of this period invites us to become the conscious creators of our reality this week. Through our imaginations and our ability to think and visualize, we translate ideas into action. Self-confidence and a sense of personal power are ours to enjoy! The challenges and more difficult energies presented by this card are aggression, misuse of our power, and blind, impulsive desire that takes no one and nothing else into consideration. Avoid any tendency to willfully lie and deceive, or trick others into doing our bidding by manipulation.

Week 4

Knight (King) of Disks:
In the final week of this period we shift from maternal energy to paternal energy. Pragmatism, wise cultivation and use of assets and resources (anything of material value) are highlighted during the final week of this period. Fidelity, loyalty and trustworthiness are highly prized commodities as we move forward methodically, planning our work and working our plan. Avoid ultra-conservative, dogmatic or stubborn modes of thought and communication, and reap the rewards of perseverance and planning.

An individualized Tarot reading with me can tell you more specifically how you’ll be affected, so call today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities.

Copyright 2010© Dona C. Murphy, Destiny Tarot®
"Destiny Tarot" and the Destiny Tarot logo are the registeredtrademarks (servicemarks) of Dona C. Murphy. All rights reserved.
No portion of this article may be reproduced without my permission.

Experience a Tarot reading with me! Visit:Destiny Tarot®

Friday, February 12, 2010

Monthly Tarotcast February 15 - March 15, 2010

Every month, I’ll be taking a look at the current mid-month to the following mid-month’s energies. In much the same way as lunar cycles and planetary movements and transitions affect all of us astrologically, the Tarot can prepare us for the energies we’re all likely to be dealing with.


Five of Wands: the general energy of this period is competitive. This is primarily around our work and careers, where we may find ourselves striving for recognition and acknowledgement for our contributions against stiff but healthy competition. However, this can also manifest in not so healthy ways in the form of backstabbing, undermining or destructive gossip. Our best course of action is to stay focused on the task at hand and do our very best. This card can also indicate how well we exhibit grace under pressure and how adept we are at handling conflict in an impersonal and constructive way.

Week 1

Nine of Cups: moving into the first week of this period, we see the one bright – overridingly bright – spot in an otherwise mostly challenging month. In some way – a wish we have for our lives will be fulfilled this week. It comes as both a divine gift as well as a reminder that no matter how rough things may become, problems are temporary and we will ultimately win the day (month). This can also be a great week for positive developments in our romantic relationships; either by deepening an existing connection or discovering a new one.

Week 2

The Tower: The second week of this period and a violent upheaval is in the works. Though this card is often viewed as negative, it can be exactly what’s needed when old, outmoded or outgrown structures must be torn down. The more gracefully we can accept our lives being swept clean – no matter how surprising the events we experience – the better. And, the sooner we will rebuild. Expect the unexpected and look for the silver lining promised in week one by the Nine of Cups.

Week 3

Seven of Swords: The third week of this period highlights self-protective energy. We needn’t allow others to take advantage of us, and we’re being put on notice to actively guard against that. Foster healthy skepticism in uncertain circumstances, but don’t fall prey to paranoia. You may need to negotiate carefully and keep your own cards close to your vest, but avoid outright mistrust and unnecessary secrecy. Either of these will only serve to further complicate matters.

Week 4

Three of Swords:
In the final week of this period we may find ourselves experiencing loss and heartbreak despite our best efforts. Again, a reminder that the energy of Week One (Nine of Cups) will carry us through the worst of the situation if we’re able to accept some temporary distress. Intense emotions require clear-sightedness. Denial, repression and escapism will only worsen the discomfort. We need to be prepared to let go of whatever we must for the wish of the first week’s energy to come to manifestation and fruition.

An individualized Tarot reading with me can tell you more specifically how you’ll be affected, so call today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities.

Copyright 2010© Dona C. Murphy, Destiny Tarot®
"Destiny Tarot" and the Destiny Tarot logo are the registeredtrademarks (servicemarks) of Dona C. Murphy. All rights reserved.
No portion of this article may be reproduced without my permission.

Experience a Tarot reading with me! Visit:Destiny Tarot®

Friday, January 15, 2010

Monthly Tarotcast January 15 - February 15, 2010

Every month, I’ll be taking a look at the current mid-month to the following mid-month’s energies. In much the same way as lunar cycles and planetary movements and transitions affect all of us astrologically, the Tarot can prepare us for the energies we’re all likely to be dealing with.


Princess (or Page) of Wands: the general energy of this period is embodied in persons (or in aspects of ourselves) who completely naturally and often quite unconsciously – are the fuel of the fire. Well-aspected, this manifests as positive self-assurance, energetic independence, and audacity: all thrilling and inspirational, but sometimes downright risky and dangerous. Channeled properly, this energy can be motivational. If poorly used, the darker side of this energy is the “drama queen” (or drama king) who is shallow, unreliable and prone to self-destruction – and worse, who takes everyone else down with them. Be forewarned, and exercise caution in your own actions. As the Page, this energy involves messages and communication around work, career and new relationships. Either way, with a little restraint, this can be a period of fun and excitement (without undue risk).

Week 1

The Devil:
moving into the first week of this period, our lack of insight or mere surface understanding of a situation brings our deepest fears front and center. Focusing on limitations and restrictions causes us frustration and can lead us to cling desperately to people or situations. The temptation to take the low road, to use the ends to justify the means, and to overindulge in obsessive thoughts and behaviors is strong this week. To counteract the tendency toward these energies, refuse to be enslaved by your own (or anyone else’s) desires, open your eyes wide (including your third eye) and ground yourself – physically and spiritually – this week.

Week 2

Death: The second week of this period – and the hits just keep on coming. Change is inevitable, even welcome. If we’ve used the best energies of the Devil, we can embrace change as freedom from ignorance, blindness and bondage. If we’ve succumbed to temptation, or let our deepest fears rule us, change will come with a wrenching and painful finality that rocks our world. New chapters open and new life begins – face the future joyfully and fearlessly.

Week 3

Five of Disks:
The third week of this period highlights choices for us yet again. Do we use the positive aspects of this card: patience, practicality and a conservative approach, or do we let anxiety, fear and worry overwhelm and paralyze us? Sometimes watching, waiting and biding our time is the best course of (temporary) in-action. But we need to let go mentally, emotionally, and energetically also, or the energy of this card will keep us up nights, tossing and turning, chewing our fingernails and our sheets, all over some terrible thing that hasn’t actually happened (and won’t).

Week 4

Four of Cups: In the final week of this period we may find ourselves over-correcting for the intense energies of the preceding weeks. The energy of this card warns against too much of a good thing. Needing some comfort, stability and emotional security after three tough and challenging weeks can be appealing, but this card shows us how easy it is to go from comfort to crushing boredom, from mothering to smothering, and from cozy familiarity to contempt – and the resulting winds of rebellion can blow pretty hard.

An individualized Tarot reading with me can tell you more specifically how you’ll be affected, so call today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities.

Love and peace,


Experience a Tarot reading with me! Visit:Destiny Tarot®

Copyright 2010© Dona C. Murphy, Destiny Tarot®
"Destiny Tarot" and the Destiny Tarot logo are the registeredtrademarks (servicemarks) of Dona C. Murphy. All rights reserved.
No portion of this article may be reproduced without my permission.