Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Monthly Tarotcast for June 15 - July 15, 2010

Each month, I’ll be taking a look at the current mid-month to the following mid-month’s energies. In much the same way as lunar cycles and planetary movements and transitions affect all of us astrologically, the Tarot can prepare us for the energies we’re all likely to be dealing with.


Four of Cups: The general energy of this period is mainly that of over-correction. The energy of this card warns against too much of a good thing. Needing some comfort, stability and emotional security after intense activity and deep spiritual exploration can be appealing, but this card shows us how easy it is to go from comfort to crushing boredom, from mothering to smothering, and from cozy familiarity to contempt – and the resulting winds of rebellion can blow pretty hard.

Week 1

The Devil: Moving into the first week of this period, our lack of insight or mere surface understanding of a situation brings our deepest fears front and center. Focusing on limitations and restrictions causes us frustration and can lead us to cling desperately to people or situations. The temptation to take the low road, to use the end to justify the means, and to overindulge in obsessive thoughts and behaviors is strong this week. To counteract the tendency toward these energies, refuse to be enslaved by your own (or anyone else’s) desires, open your eyes wide (including your third eye) and ground yourself – physically and spiritually.

Week 2

The Sun: During the second week of this period, we’re enjoying rewards, recognition for our hard work, success and a sense of vindication if we’ve had to struggle through opposition or obstacles to bring a task to completion. Resolutions are showing results, especially if we’ve promised to make healthy changes like losing weight, exercising, or eating healthier foods. The great thing about a “win” is what it does for our self-confidence. If we did it once, then we can do it again. If we’ve succeeded in one aspect of our lives, we can extend that into other areas of our lives.

Week 3

Five of Disks: The third week of this period highlights choices for us. Do we use the positive aspects of this card: patience, practicality and a conservative approach, or do we let anxiety, fear and worry overwhelm and paralyze us? Sometimes watching, waiting and biding our time is the best course of (temporary) in-action. But we need to let go mentally, emotionally, and energetically also, or the energy of this card will keep us up nights, tossing and turning, chewing our fingernails and our sheets, all over some terrible thing that hasn’t actually happened (and won’t).

Week 4
Lust (Strength): In the final week of this period we experience new energy and enthusiasm for anything and everything that we feel passionate about – whether that is our relationships, our work and careers, our creative endeavors, or our spiritual journeys. What may present challenges are moderation and balance. Unbridled excitement and overconfidence can trip up our feet while our eyes are on the stars. Otherwise, this is a great time to begin or continue exploring anything (and everything) that sparks your interest.

An individualized Tarot reading with me can tell you more specifically how you’ll be affected, so call today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities.

Experience a Tarot reading with me! Visit:Destiny Tarot®

Copyright 2010© Dona C. Murphy, Destiny Tarot®

"Destiny Tarot" and the Destiny Tarot logo are the registered
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No portion of this article may be reproduced without my permission.

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